Saturday, August 26, 2006

freshman crew...may hall...2000-2001

marlo, the admiral in his glory, stroke, jo-jo, cap'n nike, tuff cookie, zach james...snowboard squad '00.
the canyons...our battleground and sweet escape from reality 3-5 times a week. who wouldn't want that reality?

melzer, katz, giles...2001

.dorm life- is there anything sweeter? hmmm, what you don't see is francis' creepy as all get out roommate in that shot. where are the poker chips and blender? scoreboard anyone?

mr. francis and the accountant himself. marlo has always been serious.

Jacob Porter Melzer...need i say more? well yes actually. above mr melzer is trying his best to pull of a lil hugh heffner action. that or quite possibly is prepping for his corn rows...yes kids, corn rows.

notice the wall of amazing behind jake's head. oh glorious wall of amazing!

admiral jorgenson and his sweet, sweet lullabies. hey, matt's part of it!

mr. tyson craig brown...a night to remember and probably the only thing that zach james was ever good for. thats quite a smile on your face ninja.


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