so its now 4 days into my week of improvement, and i must admit i like the new me. i have to confess i did not do anything physical yesterday(wed), but everyone needs a break right? speaking of breaks, my super wife needs to take a break from her running for a lil while because a festering heel problem hasn't gotten to be unbearable. it has now started to swell, and really affects her in everything she does. curse those 26.2 miles in Moab of self abuse and torture!! A marathon is a cool thing to say that you accomplished, but man it sure beats the crap out of ya. No worries though, yoga is there to keep her busy. speaking of which, thats my activity for saturday. can you picture mr loke stroke, on a yoga mat all twisted up like a pretzel? I am in for humiliation for sure, but at least i won't be alone. Erika scored some free passes for me, Chris and Sarah to go. i can't wait to see Francis get his zen on!
so last night i surprised myself again with my amazing cooking skills. I went old school and busted out a traditional spanish tortilla. man, it took me back to my preachin days in the mother land. this was the best tortilla i ever made though, because i actually had the time to make it good. the trick to a good tortilla is low heat. the lowest at that rate you could cook one for nearly an hour! needless to say, i didn't have time to kill as a missionary. so half of the tortilla was filled with roasted red pepper, and the other galf bacon(potato and onion throughout the entire thing of course). Erika approved as i showed her how to eat it like a true spaniard- we had to have fresh baked bread. along side the tortilla i made a fruit salad-strawberries, peaches and bananas. E-train is lovin the not having to cook bit. i am enjoying my cooking experience as well.
So yesterday i met up with Chris and David at a favorite spot of ours in Orem. Maria Bonitas is a little mex joint that me and Dave frequent for lunch when we have the time. We discussed important matters of life over beans, rice, tacos and enchiladas. One thing that was discussed was the Francis' plans for winter. turns out they are gunna load up the credits to be done in december, then move back to Ca to avoid a Utah winter. as sad as it is to not have them here, its a good move and one that they will hopefully be happy with. selfishly i want them to stay, but i know that if i was in there situation, i would choose san diego over provo any day.
another important matter discussed was a bidnay tour. a trip out to g-rides with the bidnays on hand is somthing to look forward to. no official plans or dates yet, but when it all falls down, it will be posted.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
team discovery
so as you know, i have taken on the challenge of getting back into shape...monday started off with a quick run, but tuesday involved something a little more tolerable. like usual, erika started her day with a run. the nice guy that i am, and keeping to my promise i joined her. this time though i wised up and decided to ride my bike along side her. ahh your heart out mr. armstrong!Unfortunately, my bike tire was running a lil low on air, and i had to ride Erika's bike...which incase you haven't seen her bike, let me paint you a picture: a women's beach cruiser (sized for someone about 5'5), spearmint green with white detail, and a white basket on the handle bars. NICE!! so me and the e-train ran/rode down through south provo on 900 e and state street...good times, good time. Oh yeah, the bike also has a bell on it, that i rang as we passed fellow joggers.
i felt pretty good though. awake and much happier than after my run. the rest of the day pretty boring...but i did get my haircut- prepped to grow out a dope shag.some people say i look like foo fighter's own dave grohl with a shag, what do you think? you be the judge
until next time...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
run forrest, run
today marks an interesting day in the life of mr loke stroke...why you ask? well, today is the day that i was officially brought to the pathetic realization of how weak sauce i really am. after discussing with Erika, we decided that we needed to do more things together. well, things that don't involve tivo and food. so we deicded to take an "easy" run togther. for those of you who don't know my amazingly fit wife, she tends to dominate in all areas of life. she just aced a final exam at school (1oo% kids), she is a star chef, and enjoys "extra curricular activities" as she likes to call it: running each morning, pilates, and yoga to name a few. so our run-- if you can call it that-- consisted of 2 miles, and erika dragging me along, yet always encouraging me with "youre doing great" etc..after our 30 minute stroll, we came back to the house, her just perked up and ready to take on the day. meanwhile i passed out on the couch, ready to go back to bed,
with all that said and done, I have decided to take my wifes advice and get back into shape. i have come to the harsh reality that i am no longer the anatomical specimen i once was in my summer days of surfing. so, i hold myself accountable for trying to get some life back into my veins, keep the heart rate up and be able to keep up with the lil mrs. E-Train. with all this said i done, i now have no excuse, and will be looking to you, to keep me in check. capiche?
in better news, i have decided to tackle the kitchen this week. unlike my struggles in the p.e. dept. i am an excellent chef. today on the menu was vegetarian paninis-packed with italian flava. tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, grilled zuccini, eggplant and red onion, fresh basil, and pesto sauce. bon apetit! until next time kids, wish me luck!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
its all about the fam
so i am glad that some of you have checked out my little nugget and left me some feedback. i am glad i can inspire from afar for some of you as well. kudos to me i guess. but miq, my wise, oldest sister made a good point about representin the fam! where is the love you ask? don't worry folks, its in full effect whether you have equal representation or not...but for today its all about Los Mendioroz!! (and the Provosts and Erickson)
Carribbean Cruise August '05
Jonathan James Miss Jules
Good times guys.good times.
who could forget the e-train?!!oh the fam...thanks for the inspiration, the suppport, the laughs, the cries and the love. each of you have contributed to my life more than you will ever know. i am forever in debt to you and what you have given me. i hope that i have been able to give back or some day will- as a son, a baby brother, an uncle, and a husband. os quiero